Work Done For Another Crossword Clue

Work done for another crossword clue unveils a captivating realm of physics and linguistics, inviting us to explore the intricate interplay between force, distance, and the energy transformations that shape our world.

In the realm of crossword puzzles, “work done for another” takes on a unique significance, challenging solvers to decipher clues that hint at actions performed on behalf of others. This article delves into the concept of work done for another, examining its implications in both physics and the enigmatic world of crossword puzzles.

Work Definition: Work Done For Another Crossword Clue

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Work is a physical quantity that measures the energy transferred from one system to another. It is a scalar quantity, meaning it has only magnitude and no direction. Work is done when a force is applied to an object and the object moves in the direction of the force.

Work is an important concept in physics because it is a measure of the energy transferred from one system to another. This energy can be used to do useful work, such as moving an object or generating electricity.

Examples of Work Done in Everyday Life

  • Pushing a shopping cart
  • Lifting a box
  • Turning a wrench
  • Driving a car
  • Cooking a meal

Relationship between Force, Distance, and Work

The amount of work done is determined by the force applied to the object, the distance the object moves, and the angle between the force and the displacement. The formula for work is:

W = F

  • d
  • cos(theta)


  • W is the work done (in joules)
  • F is the force applied (in newtons)
  • d is the distance the object moves (in meters)
  • theta is the angle between the force and the displacement (in radians)

Work Done for Another

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In the context of crossword clues, “work done for another” refers to a task or activity that one person performs on behalf of another.

Crossword clues that use this term often involve scenarios where one person is hired or assigned to complete a task for someone else. For example, a clue might read: “Work done for another, often involving cleaning or repairs.” The answer to this clue could be “janitor” or “handyman.”

Implications in Physics, Work done for another crossword clue

In physics, “work done for another” can be understood in terms of the concept of energy transfer. When one object exerts a force on another object, it does work on that object. If the force causes the object to move in the direction of the force, then positive work is done.

If the force causes the object to move in a direction opposite to the force, then negative work is done.

Work done for another can have various implications in physics. For instance, it can be used to calculate the amount of energy transferred from one object to another, or to determine the efficiency of a machine or system.

Examples of Work Done for Another

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Work done for another involves one object exerting a force on another object, resulting in the displacement of the latter. This concept is fundamental in physics and has numerous applications in various fields.

To illustrate the concept of work done for another, consider the following table with four columns: Situation, Force Applied, Distance Moved, and Resulting Work.

Examples of Work Done for Another

Situation Force Applied Distance Moved Resulting Work
Pushing a box across the floor Force applied by the person pushing Distance the box moves across the floor Work done by the person pushing the box
Lifting a weight Force applied by the person lifting Distance the weight is lifted Work done by the person lifting the weight
Pulling a rope to raise a flag Force applied by the person pulling Distance the flag is raised Work done by the person pulling the rope
Kicking a soccer ball Force applied by the person kicking Distance the ball travels Work done by the person kicking the ball

Related Concepts

Work done for another crossword clue

The concept of “work done for another” is closely related to the concept of “work done by a system.”

Work done by a system refers to the energy transferred from a system to its surroundings due to a force acting through a displacement. It is represented by the formula: W = Fd cos θ, where W is work done, F is the force applied, d is the displacement, and θ is the angle between the force and displacement vectors.

Comparison and Contrast

Work done for another and -*work done by a system are two distinct concepts that are often confused. The main difference between the two is that work done for another involves an external force acting on the system, while work done by a system involves an internal force acting within the system.

  • Work done for another is always positive, as the external force is always acting in the direction of displacement.
  • Work done by a system can be either positive or negative, depending on the direction of the force and displacement vectors.


The concept of “work done for another” is significant in understanding energy transformations. It allows us to determine the amount of energy transferred from one system to another due to an external force. This is essential for understanding the efficiency of machines and the transfer of energy in various physical processes.

Key Questions Answered

What is the definition of work done for another in the context of physics?

Work done for another refers to the transfer of energy from one object to another, resulting in the movement of the latter.

How is work done for another represented in crossword clues?

Crossword clues often use phrases like “work done for another” to indicate that one object is exerting a force on another, causing it to move.

What are some examples of work done for another in everyday life?

Pushing a shopping cart, lifting a suitcase, and towing a car are all examples of work done for another.